This is a QuickBooks Online sync issue that occurs when the Item selected on the document does not have an Expense Account mapped, causing a sync error.
Before proceeding, ensure:
You have access to QuickBooks Online.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Check and Update the Expense Account:
If you come across this sync error, you must check if the associated line items have an Expense Account linked to them in QuickBooks. To do so, follow the steps below:
Open QuickBooks:
Log in to your QuickBooks Online account.
Click on Sales:
Navigate to the "Sales" section in the sidebar.
Go to Products and Services:
Select the "Products and Services" tab.
Click on Edit:
Scroll Down:
Scroll down to the bottom of the item details and check if an Expense Account is associated with the item.
2. Take Action Based on the Expense Account:
If an Expense Account is Selected:
Share a screenshot of the item details with the relevant team for further review.
If No Expense Account is Selected: