You are getting this error because the item associated with the PO has been deleted in QuickBooks. To resolve this, you need to restore the item in QuickBooks.
Access to QuickBooks Online.
Access to the Purchase Order (PO) module in ProcureDesk.
Ensure you have the necessary permissions to manage Products & Services in QuickBooks.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Log into QuickBooks Online.
Click on the Gear icon (β) in the top-right corner and select Products & Services (or click Take me there).
In the Products & Services section, click the Filter icon.
From the Status dropdown menu, select Inactive, then click Apply.
Find the product or service that you want to restore.
Select Make Active for the item you want to restore.
Next Steps:
After restoring the item, open the PO > click on Actions > Send for Integration, in ProcureDesk to resolve the error.