You can now customize your ProcureDesk account's password policies to enhance security. Follow these steps to manage settings like password length, special characters, and capital letter requirements.
Admin access on ProcureDesk.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Navigate to Configurations
Sign in using your admin credentials.
From the dashboard, go to the Configurations section.
Access Manage Password Policies
Click on Manage Password Policies to customize the following options:
First Letter Capital: Check the box, if passwords should start with a capital letter.
Special Characters: Enable the requirement for at least one special character.
Minimum Length: Set the minimum number of characters for passwords.
Save Changes
Once your settings are in place, click Save to apply the changes.
1. What should I do if I can't access password policies?
Ensure you have the Admin access, or contact your system administrator.
2. Can I combine multiple password rules?
Yes, you can enable multiple rules at once for stronger password policies.
3. Is there a default setting for password policies?
The default setting includes a minimum password length of 8 characters with a mix of uppercase and special characters.